As you can see its been a while since my last entry. Essentially this is because I have been slowly scaling back Ceorfan Works in anticipation of going back to University this September. This reduction in scope has also been coupled with Thomas Philpott Cabinet Makers, the company who I rented space from, moving facility and expanding, so helping with that has also taken up a lot of time.
I have been working with the CNC but almost exclusively on creating parts for their work. Going forward I’ll still be doing some consultancy with them but mostly spend my time focusing on my studies.
I thought it might be a good idea to tidy things up here by explaining the recent lack of activity and also sharing some images of the huge mantel that I was teasing for much of last year… You can see some images of the final few weeks of production of the mantel and its almost identical twin below. The first image shows the spindles having their flutes machined into them using a jig we created. The subsequent 3 images show the assembly in progress and final two show the mantel in position, in the context of the room and close up. Its twin went at the other end of the same room. They both looked incredible when finished although it was a huge slog getting them done…
Well, that should be the final entry for Ceorfan Works, it has been fun but I’ve realised I don’t have the passion to continue it as a business and instead have become much more interested in how our brains work and why we behave the way we do, hence my going back to university to study psychology. At some point this website may morph into something more related to my new life direction. Thanks for the support.