I’ve had to take a big chunk of the last couple of months out of the workshop to landscape the garden at our holiday cottage. I thought this might take a couple of weeks but due to massive underestimation of time (I’ve never landscaped anything before) and some serious mission creep its taken best part of 5 weeks with some help (thanks Jack…) I’m pretty pleased with how it looks though. As you can see from the first picture below, after we’d had a new sewage tank and soak-away installed it was essentially a muddy slope. This needed terracing, a lot (80) sleepers to retain everything and then plenty of levelling, topsoil and stones.
There are now four sections to the garden, the bottom part with the terracing, sleepers and white and green stones, the next section with the mulch and wildflower meadow, a shaded woody glade with stone path and mulch beds full of ferns and finally a grass lawn and the decking which was already there. What an effort but its been worth it. I have jury duty coming up so I’ll be out of commission for a while longer then back in the workshop and making the long talked about but yet to appear chimneypieces.