Large CNC Work, The Room WIP, A Very Big Cherubs Face

We’ve had both CNC’s running a bit more this week. I created a lot of files for the guys at TPCM downstairs in the workshop to cut out 100+ shelves of different sizes on their new big green CNC. These were cut from 30mm MDF with a poplar lipping along the front edge - which allowed them to have a moulding shape added after they were cut. . In the first picture below you can see a stack of some of the shelves, each one has a shape cut out the back to help ventilate the books. The second image below is another job from the big CNC - a simple cabinet to match a design the client already has. Tom and I worked through this to give him some experience with his new software to take the part from design to machining. The last image shows the black frame pieces I was machining last week and earlier this week assembled into the unusual canvass frames for our artist-customer. The texture looks great and I’m very interested to see what he does with these now...

Outside of the workshop there has been a lot of work at No.3 installing many of the pieces I helped work on at the end of last year. The three images below show different aspects of the same room in the building. You can see a variety of things from previous posts such as the pointed arches in the doors, the cherub carvings in the panels and the base pieces with the holes at the bottom of the units. It’s great to see it coming together, although I know I still have an awful lot of work to do on things for this room…

Lastly, this week I have started work on the very large sign for “Angel House” as No.3 will be known. Below you can see six photos related to this. The first shows the stack of Sapele that will be machined over the next week to make all the components for the sign. The rest of the images document the large cherub face being cut in slices and then glued up. This may need a light bit of fettling to blend each of the slices but I am very pleased with it so far. Next week I’ll cut the four wings that will surround the head and the ribbon that will go across it. I’m very much hoping it all comes together as I’ve prepared it within the software. Regardless I’m excited to have taken the design from an existing antique object and created something on a much bigger scale. Onward and upward…