I’ve been back in the workshop for a few days this week, we’ve now got some zones setup so we can work safely. Everything currently in progress is to get all the pieces together for the ceiling panels for No. 3. Below you can see some of the raised and fielded panels for this in the first image, then in the next photo you can see the many metres of egg and dart we’ve started machining on both CNC’s. This will be part of a complex cornice that will go around each panel. There are several weeks of machining ahead to get all these cut. The third image below shows some facial surgery I had to do on the big cherub face which had got some water on it from a roof leak, so there had been some minor splitting. This is now looking much better.
The fourth and fifth photos show my kids working on their Design and Technology projects that they both drew in my Aspire software. Finally the last photo is another home diversion, we had a Bake-Off style challenge to make a cake that looked like savoury food. This is my Kebab and Chips cake. It looked much better than it tasted, although the shortbread chips were OK. It has made me realise what a mammoth effort it is each week for the real Bake-Off contestants. That’s all for this week, stay safe.