Finals cont.

Hope anyone finding this is staying well and coping in the uncertain times we continue to navigate. On the CNC this week I’ve continued to make more finials for the ceiling panels for No.3. The guys downstairs in the workshop have been putting these to good use assembling them (see second image below) with the egg and dart sections they’ve already pre-cut to size (see first image). There are about 50 of these surrounds that make up the coffered ceiling, so I’ve still got plenty more finials to cut and they’ve got a lot more to assemble. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel though, hopefully next week. Then I can start thinking about the chimney pieces for this room. In addition in the third image below you can see the current iteration of the big cherub sign. This has had the lower wings and banner glued and a coat of primer to help see what additional hand-carving and finishing is required. Next week its more finials and then hopefully onto something different… onwards and upwards.