The things that should not be...

From time to time I'll hear a sentence that seems so unlikely that I feel like it must have been the only time its been said. The concept that something can be so absurd to not have existed before is a wonderful thought as it hints at the infinite possibilities of making something new albeit based on existing ingredients. This is especially enjoyable in a world where we can almost instantly check whether something does have "life" or at least if it's written somewhere on the internet.

Similarly I really enjoy the idea of creating objects or products that to the best of my knowledge don't exist and maybe some would argue shouldn't. Why is this good? At a basic level it might just be a silly play-on-words that makes me (and hopefully someone else) smile, nothing wrong with making people smile. More broadly though, beyond the joke it might help us see the absurdity of an existing idea or poke-fun at stereotypical branding. The combination of this with objects that it inspires me to create maybe make us look at them both in a different way. 

I call these type of products "The things that should not be" - although clearly even that is a play on words and not what I actually think - otherwise I wouldn't make them. These should be irreverent, borrow ideas, imagery, names and memes from different places and mash them together to provide some entertainment, provoke thought, confusion and in some cases offence - although that may be more about how easily someone takes offence...

