Lion 3D Print, Walks, Bakes and Splash Photos

A total lack of CNC or workshop related projects this week as CoronaVirus lock-down continues. In order to maintain my habit-building efforts for this blog I’ll continue to do updates though with what we’ve been doing at home. The first picture are some excellent flat-breads my wife and daughter made, we’ve also had home-made hot cross buns this week and been taking it in turns to cook evening meals with the kids which is fun and hopefully will help them learn to take care of themselves as they get older. We’re lucky to be able to get out every day for a walk and I took a photo while out of an interesting bark growth and then the third picture is a close up of a buttercup, really more for the yellow colour blast than anything else.

We had another go at 3D printing this week with a downloaded model from the internet. The fourth image shows our finished print, this a scan of a lion statue from Lyon in France. It’s a very good model and printed well. Finally below there are a couple of images from my kids of this weeks photography project (set by their granddad) to take a picture of a splash. I think they both came out very well and there was plenty to think about for them in terms of how to set it up and catch it at the right time.

I don’t expect to be doing too much workshop-wise again next week but may get back onto some 3D modelling the week after. Stay well in the meantime.