As with last week, I’ve spent most of this week at home again with the kids due to the Corona-Virus school shutdown. This has been a good excuse to get the 3D printer out again that we built last summer. My son spent a good deal of time with the Prusa software to setup a 3D turtle that he had downloaded. This needed a lot of support elements to enable it to be made. You can see the printer and close up of the turtle in images one and two below, the support is the bed of looser material it appears to be lying on. I’ve also been working with him on some of his homework, one assignment was to take portrait photos of family members. The third image below is picture he took of me, I really liked the composition of this, especially the fact its focused on the Joker image on the comic book and I’m a blurry background. Very cool indeed.
Of course with more time on our hands I’m getting round to some stuff I’ve had for a while and has been on my to-do list but never got near the top. The fourth image shows something I think I bought probably 5 years ago from a Maker Faire. It is a set of 60 cards with slits in the edges that can be assembled into a kind of sphere shape. I’ve finally made the time to put this together, it was awkward, frustrating and time consuming but mildly satisfying when complete… Still I can see how I’ve not managed to find time before. On the work front I did manage to make it into the empty workshop on Wednesday for a few hours of filling and sanding on the big “Angel House” sign I started work on a few weeks ago. You can see the wings lined up on the bench waiting to be sanded in the fifth photo below and the whole thing put together in the last image - glove included for size reference. When we get back to work properly I’ll need to make a backer probably from marine-ply and we can do the final assembly, including the banner, then more filling and sanding before it’ll be ready to be primed and painted.